Criminal Injury Claims

Being the victim of violent crime can turn your world upside down in ways you never imagined. Struggling with physical injuries can be excruciating, as can the mental and emotional toll you must endure.

What is A

Criminal Injury Claim?

A criminal injury claim is an application for compensation for you because of injuries (emotional and physical) sustained by an offence or criminal act. In Western Australia, criminal injury payment provisions exist under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003. You are entitled to compensation for criminal injuries if you are,

  • A victim of an offence who is injured and/or experiences financial loss because of the injury.
  • A close relative of a person killed as a result of an offence, such as a spouse, partner, parent, grandparent, stepparent, child, step-child, or grandchild, and experience financial loss as a result of that offence.

Criminal Injury Compensation

What am I Entitled to Claim?

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme exists to provide compensation if you suffer bodily harm, mental or nervous shock or pregnancy as a result of an offence. Your compensation will cover a number of issues, including:

  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment in life
  • Doctor bills
  • Ambulance services
  • Hospital costs
  • Psychological care
  • Dental treatment
  • Future medical or psychological treatment
  • Reimbursement for travel to and from medical appointments
No Win No Fee Injury Lawyers You Can Trust
Why Do I Need Legal Representation?

No Win, No Fee

Why Do I Need Legal Representation?

Although you can file a claim for criminal injury compensation independently, the process is faster and less stressful if you instruct your legal representative to take care of the filing. Many complicated details are involved in such cases, and an experienced legal team can walk you through the most complex cases.

Most hearings will not require you to be present. However, some hearings for criminal injuries compensation in WA request the victim and offender be present. If this is the case, your legal team can intervene on your behalf. We can also accompany you to the hearing to offer professional services and support.

3 Easy Steps

Our Easy and Seamless Process

No Fee Injury Lawyers team are professionals you can trust for exceptional legal representation. We make it easy to get compensation if you have been injured in a criminal injury. Here’s how:


No Win, No Fee

The idea behind no win, no fee is simple, as legal experts, we are ethically bound to provide an honest assessment of your case. After considering your case, we will tell you if we think you have a good chance of success. Should your case have an unfavourable outcome, you owe us nothing.

Obligation Free Consultation

For our team to understand the details of your case, we need to meet with you. Offering this first visit with no cost or strings attached lets us get to know you and provide our professional assessment of your case. Additionally, it will allow you to decide if we are the right legal team for you.


We always focus on the fact that we are dealing with people, not files or case numbers. Our team will treat you with respect and understanding throughout your entire case.

Find Out if You're Eligible Today

Contact us today and a No Win No Fee lawyer will be in touch shortly.

I Have Been Seriously Injured

We Protect Your Interests

Pursuing damages from your criminal injuries may seem frightful, but No Fee Injury Lawyers will work to make the process as easy as possible. We will get you through the legal process of lodging your claim and resolving it as quickly as possible.

Our team will try to remove some of your distress throughout the proceedings. This includes assuring your privacy and comfort should you attend a hearing. And presenting the reasons that you do not want details of your case in the hands of the offender.

We Protect Your Interests
As You Recover from Your Injuries

Road to Recovery

Recovering from Your Injuries

As you recover from your injuries, it is vital for you to follow your medical team’s recommendations, including any professional advice promoting your emotional health and recovery. What you experienced was not right or fair, but you can feel empowered to move forward. Your team of criminal injuries compensation lawyers are here to support your journey toward recovery and fight for what you deserve.

About Us

Compensation Lawyers in Perth

After being victimized by a criminal, you need the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have an experienced legal team on your side. Working with lawyers skilled in criminal injuries compensation with a no-win, no-fee policy gives you the advantage of knowing your legal representatives are confident that a positive outcome is likely. Because if they do not win, you do not pay any legal fees. Additionally, the lawyers representing you understand what is necessary to be successful with cases involving criminal injuries compensation in Perth.

You can move forward from your experience of criminal injury. Part of the process can involve receiving the compensation you deserve, according to the law. If you are unsure what to do to get compensation, feel free to contact No Fee Injury Lawyers. Our skilled team of professionals can help you get the compensation for criminal injuries you deserve.

No fee injury lawyers no win no fee policy
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Office Address

No Fee Injury Lawyers
Level 12
197 St Georges Terrace
Perth, WA 6000

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